Friday, February 4, 2011

My Failings in the Form of a Cool Guy's Journal

Greetings.  Do you know that feeling when you get an idea to do a good comic and then you try to use Illustrator to draw it because in Illustrator you can write stuff and it comes out super smooth and then you try to sketch stuff like you would in Photoshop and then you get depressed because it turns out like garbage and you don't feel like spending another hour cleaning up some lines and then you get bummed out because its not real easy to color and then you just give up and just say, I will just post it to the blog anyway I don't care nobody is reading this anyway so who cares and maybe it would be clever and funny to explain the reasons behind the stinkiness of the comic in one gigantic run on sentence?

Well, that is what you are witnessing in the following moment when you scroll down a bit:

A brief review: alright idea, alwrong execution.

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