Monday, February 28, 2011

G Cats Spat on a Can o' Soup

Hello.  When you read this, realize that you can see in much better detail if you click on the picture.  Go for it:
The moral of the story is that even if you can do anything you put your mind to, that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be interesting, or even worth it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jokes. Why did it have to be Jokes?

As my political science professor who was also Romanian would say, "Joke Time!".  And here, I present to you on this fine occasion, a joke.  Joke time, indeed, Professor.

I do get it.  I do.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Immature Humor

If you haven't heard this absolutely JOKE of a joke (as in, the joke is really stupid), I am sorry that you will be subjected to it for the first time.  Also, I am sorry if you are offended by it.  My intention was not to offend, but to educate on how stupid this joke (if you can even call it that) really is.
And, kids, don't spread this around to your friends.  You may wake up screaming some day when you are older and you realize just how immature you had been in those early days that you are currently experiencing.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Think about it. Think. About. It.

Some may say that you are gross if you don't wear deodorant.  I agree, but, in a way, everyone else is too.  My explanation is as follows in this pictographical explanation:

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Failings in the Form of a Cool Guy's Journal

Greetings.  Do you know that feeling when you get an idea to do a good comic and then you try to use Illustrator to draw it because in Illustrator you can write stuff and it comes out super smooth and then you try to sketch stuff like you would in Photoshop and then you get depressed because it turns out like garbage and you don't feel like spending another hour cleaning up some lines and then you get bummed out because its not real easy to color and then you just give up and just say, I will just post it to the blog anyway I don't care nobody is reading this anyway so who cares and maybe it would be clever and funny to explain the reasons behind the stinkiness of the comic in one gigantic run on sentence?

Well, that is what you are witnessing in the following moment when you scroll down a bit:

A brief review: alright idea, alwrong execution.

Little Billy's Dilemmatic Exceptional Acceptional Problem

Little Billy is afraid to pee because his brother said the Urinal monster gets hungry when he pees in his bed and not the urinal.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome to the Show (or maybe jungle?)

Hi there.
This is a new comic blog.

We will have fun internet-styled comics that you may view for your viewing pleasure of joy.

You may find such things of this particular nature:

But I wouldn't want to give all our secrets away...


With Regards,
The Fun Team of Joy